The Challenge:
The client, a financial counselor, was approached by a local organization and asked to teach a group course on financial wellness. She was excited about the opportunity, but there was one problem: she needed a workbook! She had great content to work with, but her materials were all in separate Word files with no real consistency in the layout. Additionally, she was used to working with people one-on-one over a longer period of time, and needed to adjust her content to working with a group over a shorter period of time. The final workbook turned out to be 136 pages, including informational content, exercises, forms, and space for participants' notes.
Important Factors:
Partway through the project, the client made the wise decision to update her branding, and engaged the services of Mandy Barrett Design (who also ended up designing the workbook cover). Of course, this meant updating the partially-completed workbook to reflect her new brand's logo, colors, and fonts. The workbook also needed to be used in print and electronically, and required two versions: one for the course participants and one for the facilitator.


Section title page, with a mini Table of Contents to help users navigate the document




Sample Pages